Lumps and bumps on or under the skin are relatively common in rats and mice. Sometimes these masses can occur suddenly and grow quite quickly and other times they grow slowly over time. In any case, it is recommended to book in for a vet check as soon as you notice a lump on your pet.
With all the talk about infectious disease and the practice of self-isolation that is happening across the globe, we thought that it would be a good time to discuss the importance of reptile quarantine and the importance of it. What is it, why do it and how is it achieved?
In an effort to give Wei Wei some flight again, Dr Cat performed a procedure known as imping, which involves placing new feathers into the wing. Here, you'll learn more about this procedure and see how Wei Wei made a full recovery.
As precautionary measures increase, and social distancing becomes imperative, we are putting the health and safety of our staff and clients first. We will continue to provide optimal veterinary care to your pets, with minimal human contact, as a method to try to keep everyone safe.
In order for us to stay open and available to help your pet, we need to keep our veterinary team safe and healthy. Being a veterinary clinic, we already have strict procedures and protocols in place to ensure our environment is as sterile as possible at all times. Still, we have implemented additional precautionary measures to protect our staff and clients. Learn about these here.