So you have an amphibian… What is an amphibian? Amphibians are classed into three orders: The Anura, which includes frogs and toads The Caudata, which includes salamanders and newts And the Gymnophiona, which includes caecilians (limbless, worm-like creatures)
It is important to keep your furry friends cool in summer. The simple act of putting them in an air-conditioned room or shaded area can make all the difference.
Rabbits are social creatures and do often benefit from companionship, it is important for their happiness and emotional well-being
Most of us approach the idea of insurance with caution. Often we view it as an unnecessary expense, a luxury, or perhaps just another money-making scam. In reality, your pet insurance plan could save you money in the long run.
Guinea pigs and rabbits are often prone to developing urinary problems, including the development of uroliths (urinary stones) and urinary sludge. We help you understand the signs, risk factors and treatment options.