This is a story of two orange velvet lop twins who are very much loved by our whole team. They recently presented to our Balcatta team as they were both showing signs of bilateral ear infections.
Guinea pigs are growing in popularity as pets and we are starting to see more and more of them come through our clinics. They can make fantastic pets and are full of personality, however do require more care than many people think.
Just like horses, dogs and cats, exotic animals have a range of microorganisms that live with and on them. Some of these microorganisms are normal, whilst others are dangerous parasites that can cause serious disease.
Recently at The Unusual Pet Vets we have seen several young ferrets that have had difficulty walking. Whilst there are many causes of lameness in ferrets, today we will be focusing on one particularly common condition seen in juvenile ferrets. This condition is colloquially known as ‘rickets’, but is more accurately Osteodystrophia fibrosa, or nutritio...
Pet birds and parrots are curious by nature, and their inquisitive behaviour and desire to chew and explore household items can be a cause for concern. There are many household substances and products that our feathered friends are particularly sensitive to, some of which can be life-threatening if consumed, inhaled or chewed.