Ana is a gorgeous guinea pig who was diagnosed with having cystic ovaries, a condition that we see commonly in unsterilised female guinea pigs. In mild cases the cysts generally don’t cause many problems however when they get larger (or start to secrete lots of hormones) they can start to cause pain, hair loss, a crusty appearance around the nipples, weight loss, inappetence and/or lethargy.
In most cases the treatment for cystic ovarian disease is to sterilise the patient by performing an ovariohysterectomy, which is what was performed in Ana’s case. She received intravenous fluids throughout her procedure, and we monitored a range of parameters including her heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature and oxygen saturation levels during her anaesthesia and recovery.
Problematic cysts generally range from 1-7cm in diameter. One of Ana’s cysts was very large and needed to be drained prior to removal. 7mls of liquid was drained from the cyst before successfully completing her surgery.
Ana handled the anaesthesia and surgery like a champion and she’s now home and on her way to making a full recovery.