
Vet Tech AlVeterinary Technician Al

Batchelor of Veterinary Technology 

Al has always had a deep-seated, intrinsic fascination with wildlife; early in his life, this manifested as regular bush walks, bug catching, and bird watching. Al followed this passion to university, where it manifested in the form of two degrees: one in Wildlife Science, the other in Veterinary Technology.

After graduation, Al continued learning about the weird and wonderful at Brisbane Bird Vets, where he has the daily pleasure of interacting with a wide variety of native and non-native bird species. Whether it be out front as a receptionist or in the treatment room as a veterinary technician, Al consistently put his love of animals to use.

Hobbies and Interests

In his free time, Al can be found indulging in his excellent taste in music, appreciating his skinks or being let down by his favourite sporting teams.

Owned Pets

Al owns two Tree Crevice Skinks called Gin and Tonic, plus a multitude of freshwater fish.