Ferrets are incredibly playful creatures, but they’re also very intelligent and mischievous! It’s important to find ways to stimulate your ferret both mentally and physically while making sure that they’re safe from harm.
Your ferret may sleep for up to 18 hours each day, but once they’re awake, they’ll be ready to bounce off the walls, steal your things, escape through a small space, and swallow something they shouldn’t!
How To Keep Your Ferret Busy?
We have 11 great tips and tricks that will help you create an enriched environment and keep your inquisitive and energetic ferret busy.

Did you know that your ferret can be trained to walk on a harness and leash just like a dog? Firstly, you will need to purchase an appropriately fitting harness, one from which they cannot escape.
If your ferret has never walked on a leash or worn a harness before, start slow to get them used to the feeling. You can let them wear the harness around the house while you play their favourite games or feed them their favourite food. Once they have gotten used to this, do the same again, but with the leash attached.
The next step is to try going for a bit of a walk in your backyard. Once you are confident that your ferret is comfortable going for a walk, it’s time to expand their environmental surroundings and go to the park!
Just make sure your ferret is fully vaccinated and avoid off-leash dog areas for your ferret’s safety.
Sand Pit
Ferrets love to dig. It’s a very natural behaviour for them! You can set up a small sandpit in your yard, using a half shell children’s pool and play sand (available from Bunnings).
Running through tunnels is another natural behaviour that ferrets love to express. From short crinkly tunnels designed for cats to clear plastic tubes designed for ferrets, your ferret will have a fantastic time running through these at lightning speed. You may even see them wag their tail! Just be sure the tunnel isn’t so narrow that your ferret could get stuck.
Ball Pit
Using colourful plastic (not rubber) balls to create a ball pit is a great enrichment activity. Ferrets love to bounce and wriggle through colourful balls. Treats and small toys scattered in the pool of balls is a fun and challenging game.
All you need for this is a safe area of your home and your feet! Chase your ferret and let them chase you. To up the stakes, squeeze a squeaky toy while you run. We bet you’ll get some dooks and a weasel war dance out of it!
All you need for this is a small blanket or towel. Cover your ferret, then suddenly rip the blanket away. It is a simple way to interact with your ferret and have them jumping for joy!
Magic Carpet Ride
Another easy game to play that just involves your feet and a towel. Choose a long area of your home, like a hallway. Place the towel on the floor and your ferret on the towel. Now pick up two corners of the towel and run! Ferrets love a magic carpet ride as much as anyone. Always be mindful to be careful that you don’t cause your ferret any harm while playing this one.
Water Park
This one is just for water babies (those ferrets who love to get wet!). Water can be added to a half shell pool or an under the bed storage container. Throw in some floating toys so that your ferret can splash around and go bobbing for their toys.
The water should be shallow (2-5cm), as we don’t want to risk your ferret inhaling any. Never leave your ferret in the pool unattended. Alternatively, some ferrets will have just as much fun dancing in the shower!
Ferret Toys
Ferret toys are becoming more commercially available in pet stores and through online retailers.
Cat Toys
Most cat toys can also be ferret toys! Crinkle sacks are popular due to the fun noise they make, and so are tunnels. Small balls or toy mice that contain a bell will catch your ferret’s interest, as will a wand with a toy attached.
Many ferrets also like to climb scratching towers but should always be supervised, as often they will try to jump once they get to the top. Never leave any toys with your ferret if there are small parts that they can chew off and swallow.
Dog Toys
Many dog toys can be ferret friendly too! A small Kong can be filled with meat or an egg yolk to give them a challenge, or if you feed kibble, a treat-dispensing toy can be used. Squeaky toys are also a huge hit, but anything made from rubber should not be used without supervision (ferrets love to chew and swallow rubber things!).
Important Note
Always supervise your ferret when they are playing with a new toy, and don’t leave toys with your ferret unsupervised unless you’re sure they are safe.
If you would like more information on creating an enriched environment for your ferret, please feel free to in touch with us to book an appointment with one of our experienced ferret vets.